Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Character/Letter a Day: A - Anteater

My niece is turning 2 next month, so I have been whittling away at ideas of what I could do creatively that she would still enjoy. As most almost 2 year olds, she loves the alphabets and silly little characters, so I am drafting up ideas to turn these into flash cards. These will surely make her the smartest kid at school! Throughout the month, I will post an alphabet letter with corresponding animal and hopefully be done in time for the peanuts birthday. 

I think from a creative standpoint, sketching needs to be a big part of our lives. The sketches show where I am starting from.  I also have a hard time figuring out eyes. So I doodle a bunch of different ones to figure out which eye is the best. So now you know what happens inside my head.

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